Preaching Plan



In the Methodist Church preachers rotate around their circuit, preaching at many different churches each year.

Click here to download the Circuit Preaching Plan for June, July and August


Pastoral Letter



As the new Methodist year begins, we prepare to welcome the three new ministers coming into the Circuit; Quophie Anochie Ababio, Angie Allport, and Julie Clark. This is indeed a joy and a blessing. We look forward to receiving all they bring and all they are offering to us and God’s kingdom.


It is also important to remember that we are still very stretched in terms of ministerial cover and we face a challenging year ahead. But we rejoice and are glad for what the Spirit of God continues to work in us, through us and with us. 


We may have expectations for our ministers, preachers, family and friends, and neighbours. But let us try and be watchful not to rigidly impose our expectations on others so that these expectations do not become conditions and standards by which we use to judge and measure others. Let us give each other room and space to grow, with independence but in unity and mutual respect. When we expect others to give allegiance to us and our customs or traditions or culture, we are effectively asking them to relinquish their own culture and God-given identity, then they become a shadow of their true self. Yet we are all God’s image bearers and are one in Christ!


As we witnessed from the recent violence and disorder across the country, unmet desires and perceived needs can result in reactions of covert or overt anger towards those who fail to meet our expectations. - or those we perceive to have prevented us from getting what we want or believe is rightly ours.


Jesus keeps inviting us to peacemaking, justice-seeking, grace-full love-making and bridge-building.


Let’s get going!


Peace be with you. 

Rev’d Farai Mapamula


Get in Touch

You can contact a member of the circuit team, including the Superintendents, by visiting our Contact Us page here.

Preaching Plan