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Whether you're a fresher or a seasoned academic, new to Birmingham or familiar with the area, it's good to share some of your spiritual journey with other students in a safe, welcoming, encouraging environment.

Here are some key churches and support available to you:

On Campus

Student Christian Movement (SCM)

307466021 419250407009273 7115759580157288026 nSCM is a progressive, inclusive and justice-focused Christian Society at the University of Birmingham - but is open to all students! They meet weekly in the university chaplaincy at 6:30 pm on Thursday nights. All are welcome. For more information follow them on Instagram @scm_uob


bread belief logo draft ver6Mix flour into a loaf of bread.  

Eat a light meal of fresh bread and spreads. 

Share stories from our world and the Bible.  

Take away the bread you baked.

For more imformation visit


University chaplains offer all students an inclusive space for prayer, meditation, relaxation and worship, among other activities.  You are invited to drop by, see what we have going on, introduce yourself, and have a tea/coffee. 

Aston University Chaplaincy

There are two Free Church Chaplains at Aston University, available on campus to meet any needs students may have.  More about the Aston Uni chaplaincy here.

University of Birmingham Chaplaincy

Rev Mindy Bell Professional Photo by Fox smile2

Rev. Mindy Bell is the Methodist Chaplain and a member of the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Team.  

The Chaplaincy is a place where you can bring your faith, your doubts and your questions.  In addition, they are good places to find friends with whom you can explore what faith and spirituality look like in today’s world.  Life with God is a journey, and one which sometimes has big surprises, and it is good to have companions on the way. More about Mindy and the UOB Chaplaincy here.

Mindy: I get to accompany students and staff as they ask big questions about life, the world, and faith.  I don’t have all the answers but I am willing to journey with you on your quest for purpose, meaning, and hope.  I find meaning in Jesus’ life story, but I’m happy to explore life questions with those of any faith, background, and culture.


Inclusive Gathering Birmingham (City Centre)

Inclusive Gathering Birmingham (IGB) is a great option for students looking for an inclusive, affirming, justice-seeking church near the uni. 

Find out more at or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @newchurchbrum.  

Selly Oak Methodist (Selly Oak)

We are a diverse family church with around two hundred members along with our many children and young people. If you're a first-year or newly looking for a church, please introduce yourselves on a Sunday morning.

We meet on Sundays at 10.30 am and are located on Langleys Road (about fifteen minutes walk from the University of Birmingham)

Find out more at

The Church at Carrs Lane (City Centre)

We are an open-hearted, broad-minded, inclusive and affirming city centre church. We are pleased to welcome students. We have a regular online group and hope to set up some in-person socials for students so you can get to know each other and get to know the students who are already part of the church community. 

We meet on Sundays at 10.30 am for worship. 

Find out more at

Other Churches

We are also very happy to signpost you to other local churches if you’re looking for something a little different.