Circuit Safeguarding Role Descriptions

Role Descriptions

The Circuit now has a set of standardised role descriptors for every role in the church and these are now available on the Circuit Website. We very much hope that these will clarify queries about DBS applications, training requirements and general recruitment as well as helping to define pastoral responsibilities and the basic practical expectations of our volunteers. For any queries please contact your Circuit Mission and Ministry Safeguarding Officer for your team.

Find below a list of Circuit Safeguarding Role Descriptions.

  1. Assistant Church Treasurer
  2. Church Bookings Secretary
  3. Children’s / Youth Group Leader
  4. Church Council Member
  5. Church Council Secretary
  6. Church Property Steward
  7. Church Safeguarding Officer
  8. Church Steward
  9. Church Treasurer
  10. Circuit Assembly Rep
  11. Coffee Shop Assistant
  12. Communion Steward
  13. Cradle Roll Secretary
  14. Crèche Assistant
  15. Door Steward
  16. Envelopes Secretary
  17. Flower Organiser
  18. Foodbank Helper
  19. JMA Secretary
  20. Local Preacher
  21. Messy Church Core Team Member
  22. Messy Church Kitchen Team Leader
  23. Messy Church Team Member
  24. Methodist Women in Britain Secretary
  25. MHA Secretary
  26. Mission in Britain Secretary
  27. Musician/Organist
  28. Pastoral Coordinator
  29. Pastoral Visitor level 1
  30. Pastoral Visitor level 2
  31. Pastoral Visitor level 3
  32. Prayer Coordinator
  33. Property Secretary
  34. Study Group Leader
  35. Sunday Club/Junior Church Assistant
  36. Sunday Club/Junior Church Leader
  37. Thrift Shop Assistant
  38. Toddler Group Assistant
  39. World Mission Fund Secretary
  40. Worship Leader


Circuit Safeguarding Role Descriptions